Today was like yard sale heaven! Several of the churches in our area were having their huge annual sales and the weather is glorious ( there is nothing in the world like April at the beach). There were also a lot of individual sales today.
Late last night though as I was laying in bed, I thought to myself...
"Self you have enough of your own junk, you sure don't need to go and buy somebody else's junk!" LOL So, in a flash of willpower of an unbelievable strength, I resisted the urge to get up and go searching for things I don't need and have no place for. I decided I would stay home and plant instead.
I have been redesigning my front yard for several years. Each time I get it planted, somehow we decide to change something. This time though it is staying! My husband and I built 4 new flower beds in the front yard and I filled them with seedlings that I had grown last year.
We planted Brugmansia, Hibiscus, Tall bearded iris and more daylilies that I thought possible. I cannot wait to see it all bloom. I am still new at blogging, so as soon as I figure out how to post pictures, I will add some.
Till then, you just have to imagine....
A Kiss of the sun for pardon
A song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on the earth.
Author Unknown.
Seed Starting Update – February 2025
2 days ago
Save the pic to your desktop. Then when you post there is a little square that has a mountain on it, click on that, browse and add pic. xoxo
I love that poem!
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