I don't know where this week went, or how it got to be Friday so quickly without my noticing, but I have found some favorites for this week. Hope you like them.
I love this bird!
By now all of my gardening friends know I love Lantana! It has a weird smell and the little hairs on the stems can be very irritating, but from late spring until the final killing frost, it blooms non-stop. Butterflies love it and skipper moths find it irresistible and this shot
from Mom Snaps captures it's charm. ( don't tell my hubby, but I am secretly seeding it in any available space in my garden). Lantana stays full of flowers of all colors and ready to provide a meal or just a resting spot for some breathtakingly beautiful creatures. Mom Snaps, it's Friday and I am your fan too.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.